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Money is power and those who have power have an obligation to
help the majority of society out of its misery.

Money is basically a medium of exchange. It allows us to buy particular
things without having to barter for them.

Money gravitates to those who provide services that are valued by
society. It also gravitates to the strong who victimize the weak.

Inherent in wealth is a social responsibility. It is society that has allowed
wealth to gravitate to certain human beings and those human beings
consequently have an obligation to society. Each person must decide for
himself or herself how to fulfill that obligation.

There is nothing wrong with wealth, but there is social injustice when
wealth is accumulated while the great pain of humanity cries out for help.
The powerful must not lose touch with reality by believing that because
they were able to successfully achieve power and status in society that
those same opportunities exists for more than a very minute percentage
of the world population.

The unfortunate of the earth place their hope of salvation in the
powerful. The hungry eyes of the world wait in patient starvation for
the relief that only the powerful can bring.

Inner peace comes in knowing that the pursuit of materialism for its
own sake can never be satiated and that reaching out to humanity
creates a sense of inner peace with which the accumulation of material
goods can never compare.