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April 19, 2005

To: FBI - CIA - Local Police - National police - International Police - Solar Cops - Universal Law

From: John WorldPeace

Re: Abiding by the law

For over a decade, I have been monitored by the FBI and CIA and other law enforcement agencies.  Most of this was caused by a lot of different people who fear someone like me who simply changes his name.  Some people have called me the anti-Christ.  Some have spewed all sorts of negative nonsense and told ridiculous lies about me.  When I ran for governor of Texas in 2002, I was criticized by the press regularly but in the end that governor's race and the folly of the Democratic Party went exactly as I called it.  The Sons of the Confederacy ran all kinds of hate campaigns against me for saying I would prohibit the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag in public places where it did not already fly.  I have had cyber vigilantes attack me viciously and had my AOL subscription canceled for very short periods of time years ago.  

I knew when I changed my name in April 1988, that I would have to deal with a lot of negativity but I had no idea how much people hated peace, how much they fear peace and how much contempt they have for those who advocate it.  I have learned a lot in 18 years about the dangers of advocating peace.  I have been threatened.  I have often contemplated how much hatred must have been directed at Gandhi and King, not to mention Christ.  Based on my insignificance in society and my low profile, the amount of contempt directed at me gives me an understanding of how much contempt has existed for people who stood up too high for peace, truth and justice.

Yet, I have no fear.  But I am not careless.  I plan what I do and I stay attuned to what is going on around me.  I live an open life.  I am not hard to find. I abide by the law.

Those who have accused me of all kinds of misdeeds are usually afraid of me.  I find it interesting that I could invoke real fear in anyone.  

I have no organization.  I do not solicit money.  I have no followers.  I have no disciples.  I have not manifesto or any such writing.  I belong to no organization. Between my clients and my family, I have little time for socializing with friends.  I endorse no one or nothing.  I own no pistols or assault rifles.  I have no stock pile of doomsday rations.  I have never advocated violence nor been involved with it.  But I have been attacked.  I have some skills related to killing in war thanks to the U S Army but I have found no use for them in my day to day life. In the past, I have carried guns with me but always felt more paranoid with them than without them.

My life is about experimenting with the law and religion.  They are allegedly the two pillars of peace in society.  Yet both cause chaos.  I have worked in the courts and I have seen the reality of justice.  I have gone to church and rewritten all the major texts of all the major religions and witnessed the viciousness of religionists.  

Now I am involved in a lawsuit by my mother against some thieves within the church I grew up in.  I have fought these people in the courts and on the internet.  And they have tried everything they can to stop me from getting to the truth of their bad deeds.  In fact, you can say in desperation they have tried just about everything to stop me. The record in my web page ( shows how they have attacked me physically yet I have never attacked them except with the law and the Internet.  In the end, I feel there will be justice, but this has been a savage battle.

I am also involved in exposing the injustice in the courts and the corruption, stupidity and political bias of judges.  (  No I am not a sideline commentator.  I am in the mud fighting lies, corruption, injustice and ignorance. 

I am willing to talk to anyone about anything.  But anyone who comes to any conclusions about me without reading everything on my numerous web pages is no doubt coming to the wrong conclusion.  Most people simply do not have the ability to read what I have written much less understand it.  For the 18 years that I have been John WorldPeace, no one has completely read everything that I have written.  The truth is that people fear me because they cannot understand who I am or what I am talking about.

In the end, I am just a fearless enigma experimenting with the reality of truth, justice, religious hypocrisy and the manifestation of peace on earth.

I am not an anarchist. I am not an advocate of violence.  I am an advocate of peace.  I am an advocate of free speech.  

And what is the point of my endeavors?  Well, it is not to create chaos.  It is not to physically harm anyone.  It is just to increase the peace by exposing the oppression of religious bureaucrats and corrupt laws and judges.  My purpose is to increase peace by promoting justice.

Most people simple cannot understand me.  But if one looks carefully, a very definite pattern emerges from the acts of my entire life. And that pattern is one of challenging authority when the foundation of that authority or the individuals imposing it are corrupt.  If there is to be peace, there must be justice.  If there is no justice, then anarchy and chaos automatically follow.

The question I have devoted my life to answering is why is there little hope for peace?  

Peace does not manifest through violence and I therefore reject violence.  No where in anything I have written will there be found a single word of my advocating violence.  Peace can never grow out of injustice and war.  So yes, I have pushed people, organizations, the law, judges and religious bureaucracies and I have made a record of my experiments.  Unfortunately, my conclusions are that people are so fearful, and selfish, and apathetic, exclusive, uneducated, and mindless followers that peace will be hard to manifest because the aggressive people in the world population understand that it doesn't take a whole lot to control people.  Further, and paradoxically, I have found that peace will never come through any organization because all organizations are exclusive and peace demands justice and inclusiveness.

There will always be an us and them attitude on many levels in society.  In addition, everything in the universe changes.  Therefore, we are experiencing about as much peace as the world society can manifest.  People hate peace because people are intransigent in their right to judge others as less than themselves.

But all that being said, I will continue to advocate peace.  I will continue to challenge injustice and hypocrisy and create a record for others to review.  I have no fear.  We are all sentenced to death.  In the end, everyone dies.  All we take from this life is our experiences.  My experiences are related to experimenting with the advocacy of peace.  The truth is often paradoxical.

John WorldPeace

April 19, 2005


How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all races, all nations, all religions, both sexes) in our vision of Peace?


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