Fikac on The Democratic Middle Road

In response to the following article by Peggy Fikac which interestingly only stayed on the internet for a few hours. Peggy tried to plug Sanchez but when the article was seen as a whole, it said Tony ain't IT. 

My responses are within the article. 

John WorldPeace
The next governor of Texas

December 5, 2001

Texas Democrats eye the middle lane 

By Peggy Fikac , Chief, Express-News Austin Bureau

Web Posted : 12/04/2001 12:00 AM 

<<AUSTIN - Former Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower once said there's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos. >>

Meaning that if you are a corrupt boring little guy from Laredo, don't bother to try to step into the shoes of that long line of ELECTED Texas governors who have IT.

<< Today, many Texas Democrats see something else. They see the future. 
"The middle of the political spectrum? I can tell you who will be there - the next senator and next governor of the state of Texas," said former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, a candidate for the U.S. Senate who has won the backing of many top Democrats.>>

There are a lot of ways to be middle of the road, but I define it as politically balanced as opposed to simply in the middle of the bell shaped continuum on the issues per the polls.

Ron Kirk is a nice personable guy with a lot of blue ribbon supporters on paper. How many will campaign with him is another question. So far, none. Being Black will keep him out of the Senate but that will not even be a factor in the 2002 primary or the general election. In Waco, at the Farm Bureau Convention, one thing stood out like a neon blimp, Ken Bentson not only has the political name but he also has the time in Washington and a good record there. His experience will win the senate race and Cornyn who is a Gramm clone is not going to beat him. The money will be about even as far as campaign spending. That race is over. If you were in Waco at the Farm Bureau Convention, you know what I mean.

<< Laredo businessman Tony Sanchez Jr., considered the front-runner among Democratic candidates for governor>>

Any reporter who has seen Tony and knows his back ground knows that he does not have a "dog's chance" of being governor. I think it is sad that the press continues to repeat this stupid nonsense.

<<is a past supporter of Republican George W. Bush>>

Which is his death among yellow dog Democrats.

<<but he describes himself as a good and moderate Democrat.>>

He is not good; he is boring, not moderate. There are two issues on his web page; Education and Prayer. Each is dealt with in a cursory "sound bite" manner.

<<"I feel very comfortable in moderation," Sanchez said.>>

How can anyone with $2 billion live in moderation?

<< "I feel very uncomfortable in the extreme left (or) extreme right, because both of those have one thing in common - that's intolerance.>>

WOW! A one man brain trust.

<<And I don't think that's good for government. I don't think that's good for our state, our people." >>


<< Kirk - who faces a crowded primary that's shaping up to include former Attorney General Dan Morales;>> Waco no show << Victor Morales, a teacher and former unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate;>> Waco no show and the old white truck is old news << Austin lawyer Ed Cunningham;>> Waco no show << and U.S. Rep. Ken Bentsen - described himself as "someone who is more pragmatic than ideological and someone who is more interested in results than dogma." >>Yes, to both and it shows and it is a good thing for someone running for senator.

<< "If you're black and a Democrat, they are going to try to cast you as a liberal,">>

I do not think so anymore. This is not the sixties. Of course in Texas, one degree to the left of center is liberal. It is not about liberalism because no one talks in those terms anymore. It is about race.

<<Kirk said. "That isn't going to work because I've got a track record." >>

Yes, but it is not that great and more importantly it is not a Washington record.

<<The Texas Democratic Party is redefining itself,>>

The Party is presently grasping for straws. And Republican strawmen at that.

<<much as are other state parties in the South and as the Democratic Leadership Council worked to do for the party nationally, said political scientist Jerry Polinard of the University of Texas-Pan American.

I wouldn't know about that.

<<"The Clinton argument about the national Democratic Party in 1992 is essentially the Sanchez argument for Texas Democrats in 2002," Polinard said. "That is, basically, we cannot be identified as the liberal party and win."

The Sanchez argument??? Give me a break. Look at Sanchez's web page and look at John WorldPeace web page ( Sanchez has no argument, no ideas, no solutions, no arguments, no anything.

<< Once the only game in Texas, the Democratic Party was generally dominated throughout its history by more conservative elements, with breakthroughs by those further left.>>

Business has always ruled Texas politics. During the post Reconstruction period, all the South was Democratic and the elections were in the Democratic primary. (If the Democrats lose all statewide races in Texas in 2002, the election will move to the Republican Primary.) Business was democratic. In the seventies, Business began to move to the Republican Party.

<<That smaller wing, Polinard said, "is rooted fairly firmly in traditional Southern populism," with the "small person" taking on business interests such as utilities or railroads. >>

It will never dominate either Party.

<<"It wouldn't be liberal by national Democratic standards," he said.>>

I agree.

<< Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes cited Clinton's success and Al Gore's loss when asked about the moderate banner. Gore "would be president today if he'd not veered to the left," Barnes said. >>

And I agree. When Gore sounded green, he lost a lot of people.

<< In the last governor's race, in 1998, Democrats further down the ballot were damaged when former Land Commissioner Garry Mauro took on Bush, Barnes said. "Garry Mauro ran as a liberal Democrat, and Garry Mauro drug down John Sharp and Paul Hobby," the candidates for lieutenant governor and comptroller, Barnes said. "George Bush campaigned against liberal Democrats.">>

Yes, and now we have this 5' 2" corrupt, Mafia friendly, money laundering, draft dodging, Republican turncoat, "Mexican American" (to use his words) leading the Democratic Party. Anybody who runs on the same ticket with this guy is looking to get his guts shot out. A Perry v. Sanchez bout will end up like the Nixon v. McGovern route in 1972.

<< Mauro said he didn't run as a liberal. He said low voter turnout showed neither he nor Bush "got anybody excited.">>

Yes,. But Bush won by a whole lot.

<< If Democrats build a moderate 2002 ticket, will Texans rally around it? Yes, Democratic strategist Kelly Fero said.>>

Moderate yes. Boring No. Corrupt No. Rainbow No. 

<<"Moderation is where the vast majority of Texans live," he said. "Democrats are reflecting that mainstream, moderate approach to things as opposed to Republicans who are falling off the right-wing cliff.">>

The State is a little to the right of center and so the majority of voters are closer to the right wing of the Republican Party than the Moderate (left) wing of the Democratic Party.

<< No, said state Republican Party Chairwoman Susan Weddington, who doesn't buy the premise. "I believe that all that's really changed is the wrapping. What's inside the package is the same," she said. "Look at the legislative record of Democrats serving in office today. They're definitely to the left of center as a whole.">>


<<Depends on the message, said Hightower, who lost the agriculture commissioner's office to Democrat-turned-Republican Perry. "I'm not sure what the party is trying to do.>>

The Party has decided that they can sell a 5' 2" corrupt, Mafia friendly, money laundering, draft dodging, Republican turncoat, "Mexican American" (to use his words) to the Democratic Party and then to the general public. They believe that it is impossible that he would have a negative down ballot effect in 2002. Stupid!

<<I think that's still unsettled at the moment," Hightower said. "I continue to think if they take a don't-rock-the-boat, middle-of-the-road, try-not-to-offend-anybody-and-sneak-in strategy, that they're doomed.>>

Yes. Because that is boring and it shows that the Democrats do not have a grasp of the fact that this state has a lot of problems that need to be resolved. 

<<"We've been doing this for more than a decade in Texas now as Democrats, and it's been a disaster for us," he said. "The question in this election is whether we will have better than the 26 percent turnout we had in '98.">>

Not with a 5' 2" corrupt, Mafia friendly, money laundering, draft dodging, Republican turncoat, "Mexican American" (to use his words) at the top of the ticket.

<<Barnes said if the Democratic Party is to win, it must be progressive on social issues but show its conservative fiscal side. "People in Texas will be for people who want to make changes and be responsible," he said.>> 

Yes. And that is exactly what John WorldPeace is all about. Pro-business and pro-equality and justice. They are not mutually exclusive.

<<Courting business is part of a successful game plan, he said.>>

It is a big part.

<<"That's why the Democratic Party has basically lost control and lost a lot of power and prestige," Barnes said. "The business community, particularly the small businessperson, has looked upon the Democratic Party as a bunch of liberals and too far to the left.">>

Yes. And business unfriendly. 

<< His view of those with wide appeal also includes lieutenant governor hopeful Sharp, a former state comptroller; and attorney general contender Kirk Watson, a former Austin mayor.>>

Yes, these guys have wide appeal but they are going to get pulverized and negated if Tony Sanchez is at the top of the ticket.

<< Hightower described a different voter target than Barnes. "The fight is not to try to siphon off a few more of those Republican votes and corporate Democrat votes, but to fly the flag of the Democratic Party in such a way that the working stiffs and the dirt farmers and mad-as-hell environmentalists and people like that - and young people - can see it and recognize that it's worth their effort to get behind it," he said.>>

You get behind a White candidate who can bring in the Black vote when a Hispanic cannot, a candidate who can bring in the Christian Republicans on the God (prayer in school) issue, can bring in women by allocating half of all appointments to women, who is a businessman and pro-business and pro-enviroment and does not feel a need to make these mutually exclusive, who has a definite plan for education, who is not afraid to stand up and advocate peace without being a pacifist the same way he can promote God in the schools without selling religion, who served his country, and who has plans to change the judicial system to make it more just and less corrupt.

<<Fero said there's no contradiction between a mainstream campaign and "standing up for those people who are traditionally without a voice.">>


<< Of Sanchez, who has never held political office, Hightower said: "The question is who he is.>>

He is a 5' 2" corrupt, Mafia friendly, money laundering, draft dodging, Republican turncoat, "Mexican American" (to use his words).

<< He can go further than just saying, 'Hi, I'm a boring banker from Laredo.' He's got to say something that has a little pop to it.>>

There is no pop to Tony Sanchez. His web page proves it. His lack of interest in campaigning in the last fifteen months when the Party was continuing to erode proves it. His refusal to back any candidates in the May or November elections. His refusal to go to anything but fundraisers where he could stand on a podium, where people could not see how short he is and where he could read a speech to avoid any questions about anything tangible. His refusal to put any real money into the Democratic Party. His refusal to respond to all the negative baggage he has.

<< Sharp has got to do that. Watson and Kirk both are good speakers. They need to turn it loose." >>

A team of WorldPeace, Sharp, Watson could excite the voters. But any enthusiasm that Sharp and Watson generate would be killed by Tony Sanchez, prince of boredom, king of corruption.

<< Former Attorney General Jim Mattox - from the self-described progressive, populist-leaning Democratic wing - cited concern over such things as Sanchez's past support of Bush. "Tony Sanchez looks good compared to a Rick Perry, but Tony Sanchez does not look good to the eyes of most Democrats," Mattox said.>>

Yellow dogs will not vote for Sanchez.

<< But he said rank-and-file Democrats are excited at the possibility of a winning team.>>

But they know that Sanchez ain't the team leader even though the Party leaders continue to tout him as the Democratic ship sinks more each day. Why are so many leading Democrats bailing out? Redistricting? No. Sanchez? Yes.

<<"They're interested in the politics of winning and interested in the politics of getting the Republicans out - and are not enthusiastic about the political philosophies of these candidates," he said. "The public doesn't know what the political philosophies are of these candidates.">>

The public knows more than they are given credit for. What they do know is that they are not going to vote for corruption. They are not going to vote for the Mafia. They know they are not going to vote for a draft dodger. The Democrats know they are not going to vote for a Republican turncoat.
